On the latest cover of The Violet Files, the editorial site of Hollywood insider and beauty guru Cassandra Grey, Kim Kardashian West is transformed into the iconic Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra through the artistry and makeup design by Pat McGrath.
“I would have done anything—I would have trusted Pat’s vision no matter what she wanted—but I was really excited that it was the Cleopatra vibe,” says Kim Kardashian West of the collaboration with makeup artist Pat McGrath.
“Elizabeth Taylor’s makeup in Cleopatra has been re-created countless times, but for Kim I wanted to create an interpretation that has never been done before, a futuristic 3D version,” Ms. McGrath explains. “I wanted to portray a luxurious decadence by using elements of ornate facial jewelry constructed into shapes that pay homage to Egyptian culture, and of course to the rich exotic character that Taylor portrayed in this role.”
“Her eyeshadow was made from ground lapis stone and gold pyrite flecks,” notes Ms. McGrath. “Incorporating three-dimensional gold metal into the makeup design explores the concept of makeup as jewelry. I wanted the images to be luxurious, evoking a modern take on the opulence associated with Cleopatra’s makeup.”
The images, shot by Ben Hassett, are the first installment in a series for VIOLET GREY in which Ms. McGrath will reimagine paragons of old Hollywood glamour with new faces.
Follow the buzz on Social Media:
Violet Grey Editorial Credits (@violetgrey)
Makeup: @patmcgrathreal
Model: @kimkardashian
Photography: @benhassett
Makeup: @patmcgrathreal
Model: @kimkardashian
Photography: @benhassett

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